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Hello Dear One, I am Brooke Lauren
Intuitive Healer, Priestess, and Coach.



I’m here to help you remember who you truly are!

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Brooke Lauren

You Are Not Here To Struggle

But many of us find ourselves in the same situations…

 Life is challenging you in unexpected ways

➼ Old patterns no longer serving

 Called to something bigger in your life

 A career which does not feel like your life’s purpose 

 Enduring a true Dark Night Of The Soul

 You’ve just had a spiritual awakening - but now what?

Or perhaps you feel like this ...

 Will I ever have the relationship of my dreams?

 I feel disconnected from myself. I want to live a more authentic, fully expressed life.

 I want to heal whatever is holding me back

 I know life can be sacred, magical, and I want to feel this every day

 I’m going through heartbreak or loss. It’s time to ask for support

My life and my work are aligned with my 3 Core Values


Now is the time to discover and embody your Truth.

Without the narratives, patterns, and projections, what is Your Truth?

Who are you when you are living your Truth?


You can live a life
bathed in Love.

Love is the reason we are here. 

Love is where you came from. Love is who you are. And Love is where you will return.


Live a life of expansion and abundance right now.

You are One with the infinite potential of the Universe.

Your birthright is to create, and experience the joy of your creations

Discovering the Divine

From my earliest days, I have felt a profound connection to the universe. 


Working with spirit since childhood, I sensed something larger - a harmonious symphony within the cosmos. 


I began seeking for something greater than myself and praying for how I can best serve humanity. 


My quest for the divine ultimately led me back to who I am and what I am here to do. Read More

As a result, I’ve spent decades of my life
dedicated to helping people like YOU to

Turn Pain into Power

Express your Deepest Truth

Heal and embody your Life Purpose

To remember who YOU truly are…. 

You can live a life
of Magic, Clarity
& Deep Purpose

"Brooke is pure magic. Her intuitive/ shamanic healing session helped me release energy that I had been holding onto for years. Opening up and being vulnerable has always been a challenge for me. After working with Brooke, I now feel connected to my heart and more confident in myself”

– Shayna


Aligned with your purpose

Released from your negative emotions

Clear of the past

Feeling light and full of love

Work with me and I’ll guide you every step of the way.

Imagine waking up every day filled with

My life’s work is to guide You through your own transformation.

Working with Brooke has been a transformative experience. I discovered her at the onset of my spiritual awakening, feeling like my life was changing rapidly and I needed guidance. Brooke coached me through major life changes, leaving my corporate job and healing from a divorce. She helped me transform into a new version of myself.”

– Jaime

Work With Me


As an initiated Priestess I offer mentorship to women who are traveling their Sacred Path. 


I am blessed and empowered to offer the specific rituals of my tradition, that empower you to 

  • connect with your feminine essence

  • access your spirit guides

  • uncover your hidden gifts and powers.


Be prepared for your ability to manifest and weave magic to be magnified!


The Magenta Collective is for those who are truly committed to their Sacred Path.

SOUL Synergy Coaching

If you’re struggling to find your vision…

If you want to embody your authentic self…

If you know you’re ready to connect to your dharma and live your divine purpose…


Soul Synergy Coaching is for you.

Together we’ll align you with your true dharma as I teach you hand-picked tools and practical wisdom to transform out-dated beliefs and behaviors so you can embrace a life of love, wellness, joy and abundance. 


Your Soul contact will reveal itself, effortlessly supported by choices that are aligned with your life’s mission and highest expression.

Spiritual Counseling
& Intuitive Healing

A gentle, effective and one-on-one process to bring you through a difficult place or time of deep transformation. 


Feel held in a safe container as we flow and release emotional blockages stored in your body and heart. 


You will experience the deep freedom of release, a new point of clarity, and insight leading you on the right path forward.

Sacred Transition

As a certified Death Doula and Threshold Medicine Guide I offer compassionate support to individuals and their loved ones during the end-of-life journey.


We embrace this transition with grace and peace, honoring the profound sanctity of this passage.

I create a safe space for open expression, allowing for a deeper understanding of fears, hopes, and wishes. 


By addressing the holistic well-being of each person, I offer comprehensive care that encompasses the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of their experience. 


Together, we engage in legacy work, meaningful rituals, and advanced care planning, ensuring that every individual's unique journey is honored and celebrated.

compassionate guidance for a sacred transition
release emotional blockages, find inner peace
ancient wisdom - modern guidance
illuminate your inner light - discover your purpose


Bali Rebirth Retreat

A 8-Day Journey Into The Transformational Beauty Of Bali

2025 dates to be announced

In the tapestry of our lives we undergo numerous transformations, shedding old skins to reveal the evolving essence within. 


At the Bali Rebirth Retreat we embark on a voyage of self-discovery, bidding farewell to aspects of ourselves that no longer serve our journey. Through sacred rituals and ceremonies, we honor our former selves and welcome the emergence of a new, vibrant version.

Experience profound transformation in the heart of Bali, a land known for its unparalleled healing energy. You'll find not only rest and renewal but a rebirth of spirit. 


Guided by revered Balinese healers and medicine women, immerse yourself in a journey of becoming a new YOU.

The Initiates of RA

A 13-Day Pilgrimage into the Sacred Mystery of Ancient Egypt 2025 dates to be announced

Join me as we travel back to the motherland to experience the magic and mystery of Egypt's most sacred sites. 


You will feel the deep calling to connect with your divine essence and tap into your power as a co-creator with the universe

Meet Brooke

Brooke Lauren is a Priestess, Intuitive Healer, and Coach, devoted to the divine in all aspects of life. With decades of dedicated study in shamanism, African religion, and the healing arts, she brings a profound understanding of spiritual and holistic practices to those seeking enlightenment.
Through her spiritual journey, Brooke has undergone numerous initiations related to nature, death yoga, Christ consciousness and the profound mysteries of Egyptian codes. These initiations have shaped her spiritual path and have granted her unique insights into the deeper realms of existence.
Brooke passionately shares her wisdom and teachings about the sacred rite of understanding non-duality, soul contracts, and the transformative journey of death and rebirth. Her guidance opens doors to self-discovery and inner growth, inviting individuals to explore their own unique purpose and inner potential.
For those ready to embrace transformation and spiritual awakening, Brooke offers opportunities to partake in these mystical experiences and activate what lies within, waiting to manifest for your greater purpose.


Unveil Your True Path

No matter where you stand on your journey – whether you're healing from a difficult past, seeking your soul's mission, or yearning for more clarity and love in your life – I will walk alongside you. 


Together, we illuminate the path that leads you to your Highest Self and fully embrace the brilliance of your being.

Let’s explore the depths of your soul! It’s time to awaken your true essence and the radiant light within you!


Let’s Stay Connected!

Sign up to receive insights and information about current offerings and retreats.

"Brooke has truly been a beacon of light in my life. She guided me through the darkest days after my son's passing, helping me find my way back to myself. With her support, I moved through the grief and now feel closer and more connected to life and spirit."

– Patricia

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